Tuesday, October 14, 2008

vehicles and environments


Charles Liu said...

i like the fantasy-ish atmosphere on the top one!

Jack Chang said...

The first one is killer gem.

Simon Scales said...

Hey Gem
pretty cool stuff... i would watch the scale of your birds in realation to the ships....and the top one just watch where those leaves are sitting compositionally near the ships.
looking good tho! - keep em coming!!!

Unknown said...

cooooooooooolllll~~~~ GEM AWSOME!!!
the second one's color is a little...uhm...

Chuwie said...

Yay thanx for the picture its very pretty :D, and water-y lol and air-y O.o the shipboats are :O... and it matches my room hooray lol... hmm need to figure out how to frame it O.o lol kk thank u :3